History of White Oak

What are Sundays like?
Morning Services – 11:00 am
Currently, we are hosting two services, at 8:30am and at 11:00am, each Lord’s Day that are the same order of worship. Expect to read the word, hear the word preached, and sing Psalms, and sing hymns based on the word. The Lord's Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. We meet in the main sanctuary. To listen to past sermons or participate in the Youtube livestream if you are unable to attend physically, view our Sermons page.
Nursery for Ages 0-3 is now provided in our education building that adjoins the main sanctuary.
Sunday School – 9:45 am to 10:30am
We have a Sunday School hour that is host to a variety of classes and topics for all ages. Classes are hosted in the education building that adjoins the main sanctuary. To view the current classes and topics offered, please see our Sunday School page.
Wednesdays at 5:30pm – White Oak Wednesday Connect
During the school year (September to May) there is a fellowship dinner and evening lesson time for kids. We have a meal at 5:30 pm followed by a hymn sing, (all ages are invited), and then breakout into classes by ages for Bible lessons at 6:00 pm.
6:00 pm – Sunday Evening Service
Sunday Evening Services are conducted at 6:00 pm. They are conducted more casually than Sunday mornings, and include a time of prayer, singing, and participation in thinking through various topics. To listen to past evening service topics, visit our Sermons page.
Youth Bible Studies - Varied dates and times.
Our Middle school and High school aged students frequently meet throughout the school year and summer time for Bible studies, and other fellowship opportunities. If you are interested in participating, please contact us to learn more.
Where do I park?
Please enter through the entrance that has the education building and portico. The main entrance is across the street from the Memorial Garden plot across the street. Additional parking is available behind the church and adjacent to White Oak Hall. If necessary, overflow parking can be accommodated in the paved Memorial Garden area directly across the street of the main church building.