History of White Oak

Sunday School
White Oak ARP offers a variety of opportunities for people of all ages to grow in the faith. Sunday School is a specific time set aside for topics of Christian education. These sessions are more interactive and study-like than a formal service. Sunday School takes place from 9:45-10:30am.
College & Career to Adults: Classes range in topic and style, from more inductive studies through particular books of the Bible to broader explorations of specific theological or doctrinal topics; some classes are more lecture-based, and others are discussion-based.
Adult classes meet on the first floor of the education building.
Children Ages 2-10 years (Pre-K through 5th Grade): Great Commissions Publications is often used for children's classes. A time is allotted at the beginning of the children's Sunday School hour to learn Scripture truths through Songs for Saplings.
(Nursery is provided for children ages 0-2 years during Sunday School.)
Pre-K through 5th grade classes meet on the first floor of the education building.
Middle & High School: Students are brought deeper into their understanding of the Scriptures and the Christian faith. Students participate in discussion with peers and teachers centered around the Word, practice memorization of Scripture and catechisms, and pray with one another. Currently, Middle School and High School meets together in the second floor.
Nursery Ages 0-3 is currently provided at both the 8:30am and the 11:00am services.
Nursery protocols can be viewed here.
Current Sunday School Topics are Below:
Children's Classes
2 & 3 Year-Olds - God's Story
PK/K: 4, 5, 6 Year Olds - Jesus is God
1st & 2nd Grade - Pleasing God
3rd– 5th Grade - Listening to Jesus
Middle & High School
Westminster Confession
Adult Classes (Jan-March)
​1 Thessalonians (Part 1)
Life Principles from the New Testament Men of Faith
A Study of Judges
Genesis (Chapter 1)
- Adult Classes (April-June)
- Life Principles from the New Testament Men of Faith
- Genesis (Chapters 2-3)
- Basics of the Reformed Faith
- Gentle & Lowly - Part 1​