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History of White Oak

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." - James 1:7, ESV
We offer online giving as a service for your convenience. However, we also strongly believe that the physical act of giving during the worship service is an important element of the worship of our great God. Furthermore, it is an important teaching aid for our children and grandchildren. Thus, if you opt to give online, we encourage you to still place a part (even a small one) of your gift in an offering envelope during worship. This allows us all to join together in giving, and it allows our children to see their parents joining with God’s people in obedience to God’s commands to support the church. In other words, this online giving tool is not meant to replace the offering element of worship.
The Church Treasurers will receive a report of all online giving so that they can include all of your contributions in a yearly giving report for you.
Please direct any questions you may have to:
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