History of White Oak

Bible Studies & Prayer Groups
White Oak Church actively continues its pursuit of wisdom and knowledge from the Scriptures throughout the week in times of Christian fellowship and study. There are a variety of studies available throughout the week on a range of topics. If you are interested in participating in one of the following Bible studies, Contact Us to learn more. (Unless otherwise noted, all studies currently meet at the church.)
Women's Fall Bible Studies 2024
This year, we have multiple study topics to explore. Contact us to learn more about how you can get plugged in! Women are encouraged to join at any time. Our current studies meet in our Education Building. *Note that currently, only our Friday study has childcare available for children 0-4 years.*
REBUILD: A STUDY IN NEHEMIAH by Kathleen Nielsen & D.A. Carson
Dive with us into a compelling story! The Book of Nehemiah tells of God’s people returned from exile and rebuilding the broken-down city of Jerusalem. More than that, it tells of God’s people being rebuilt according to His Word. As we watch the leader Nehemiah direct the rebuilding, we’re watching the Lord God direct history according to his promises–all of which were fulfilled in the promised Christ who came from this people’s seed. This study of Nehemiah helps us understand our history as believers in Jesus Christ. It helps us learn to walk in faith according to God’s Word, even in times of weakness and rebuilding.-
​​Tuesday Morning - 9:30 am - 11:00 am - Weekly (Begins September 10)
FROM GARDEN TO GLORY by Courtney Doctor
Many of us read the Bible without realizing that it is one story from beginning to end--a story about God's great mission to redeem all things. From Genesis to Revelation, we see God's heart in his redemptive plan for humanity, and how earnestly he desires for us to be a part of it! In Courtney Doctor's overview that spans from Eden to eternity, you will-
grow in your appreciation for how all the parts of the Bible fit together brilliantly as a unified whole
understand your value, significance, and purpose on a more profound level
be encouraged to live in hopeful anticipation of the story's epic finale--when heaven and earth are renewed in glory and we're finally, fully, and forever in God's presence
​Thursday Evening - 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm - Weekly (Begins September 12th)
COLOSSIANS: At His Feet Study by Hope Blanton and Christine B. Gordon
Feeling bored with your Christian walk? Looking for a fuller spiritual experience? Believe it or not, what you need is more of Christ himself. The little book of Colossians is packed full of big truths that the Spirit can use to wake up a dull heart. Listen to Paul as he rehearses the beauty, power, and supremacy of Christ. Let the Spirit call you to a walk worthy of the beautiful Jesus, for whom and by whom all things were made.​-
Friday Morning - 9:30 am - 11:30 am (Begins August 16th)
Every-other Friday
Childcare is provided for ages 0-4.
​THE BOOK OF JAMES by Deborah McQuilken
Our study for this year is the book of James. The study is written by Deborah McQuilken and the publisher’s description says, “James is an intensely practical book of the Bible that teaches us to consider the purposes for adversity, handling temptations, taming our speech, and facing our own worldliness.” The study has an accompanying study book, and the group meets for discussion. The current study will finish in September, so the new study will not begin until October.​​-
3rd Tuesday Monthly - 2:30pm-4:30 pm
Please contact us if you are interested in attending or if you have any questions. Thank you.
Men's Bible Study 2023
MEN'S BIBLE STUDY - Wednesdays at 10:30am in Room 111 (Starts September 4th)
MEN'S PRAYER GROUP - Meets Weekly on Thursdays at 7:00pm
Additional Men's Events: Keep in contact to learn when Men's Fellowship Breakfasts or outings are being hosted, as times and dates vary. Contact us to learn more.
Youth Bible Studies
We have several opportunities for youth ages middle school and up. Locations and times may vary, so please contact us to learn more.